Tag tips and tricks

Beginner’s guide to checking freelance contracts

Beginner's guide to checking freelance contracts

Avoid signing anything that you don’t completely understand. That’s what legal professionals are trained in – legal jargon. Don’t be afraid to ask for another pair of eyes on your contracts. As a freelance worker, contracts are essential documents that…

A step-by-step guide – how to plan a YouTube video

A step-by-step guide - how to plan a YouTube video

If you’re looking to create a one-off video on YouTube, you might not need to put too much planning into it. However, if you’re aiming for YouTube to become a regular path, you’ll need to start thinking long-term. YouTube has…

Engaging content ideas for graphic designers

Engaging content ideas for graphic designers

There are many content creators out there who share their work with an audience. They might demonstrate how to perform certain tasks, or give ideas to beginners. But, what happens when their idea pool runs dry? In the dynamic world…

Clickbait – what it is and how to spot it

Clickbait - what it is and how to spot it

If something seems too good to be true, often it is. Many creators use clickbait, especially when their art form is video content. It helps the video sell. In today’s digital age, you’ve probably come across sensational headlines or eye-catching…

Why insurance is essential for freelance photographers

You can’t go out shooting for clients without insurance. For both yourself, and your equipment. If something happens to you, and you can’t work, how will you earn money? What if someone else is injured on your watch? Are you…

A digital strategy to benefit you and your audience

Remove the back and forth with no gain element. Instead, add in extra steps to allow both you and your consumer a chance to get answers to queries while asking more questions. All with a simple digital idea. When a…

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