Tag tips and tricks

PUSH 101: Is LinkedIn important for musicians?

I presume you’ve seen everyone raving about LinkedIn and how it’s the best place to find work or connect with people. Is that only for people seeking a 9-5 job, or can anyone utilise LinkedIn and the services it offers?…

5 websites for creating powerful content

The more, the merrier. We all want the perfect content. It’s important it looks professional, but we don’t all have the experience to create powerful content. That’s where creative websites can come in to save the day. But, which ones?…

Top websites for marketing inspiration

Take inspiration from people who have already been there and done it. Stop stressing yourself over what’s coming next and how to discover new ideas. Instead, use the tools already in place to help figure out what moves you need…

PUSH 101: How to add subtitles to your YouTube videos

I’m sure you’ve seen YouTube’s subtitles options across most videos on the platform. They’re great to be able to follow along with the video itself, whether you need the subtitles or simply want to be able to pause and take…

Music making habits you need to have

If you’re serious about making music, but you get distracted or can’t find the time, then you need to make some changes. It won’t happen overnight, and they don’t need to be dramatic lifestyle changes. However, take these tips on…

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