Tag tips

What is a stage name, and how do you create one?

Did you ever grow up wondering how people became cool enough to have their own stage names? No? Just me then… I used to often wonder how they thought of it. What made it stick? What would mine be if…

PUSH 101: How to upload video to YouTube

New to YouTube? Wanting to try out vlogging or sharing your opinions through reviews? There are so many genres and niches on YouTube that there really is an avenue for everyone. You just need to know how to get started.…

Top 5 tips for any new startup company

If you’re looking to get your company off the ground and turn something from a hobby into a business, it can be a scary thought. You have a lot of pressure to get this right, because it’s likely you’re investing…

How to succeed as an independent music artist

If you want to take your music from being a hobby to being a career, you’ll need to step things up. You might create great music, but how is anyone going to discover you? Your whole mindset needs to change…

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