TikTok Notes launches in Canada and Australia – but, what is it?

TikTok Notes is a new app currently being trialled in Canada and Australia. It is said to rival Instagram, allowing users to upload text and photo posts.

TikTok is introducing a new app called TikTok Notes, which is meant to rival Instagram. This new app is only being released in specific regions at this time. Likely to see how well it performs before sending it worldwide. However, we’re unsure why each region was chosen.

Right now, you can get it from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store if you’re in Canada or Australia. Do they have a particularly high amount of users in these areas? Are these areas known to use Instagram less than other regions? There are many questions.

According to the company, TikTok Notes is still in its early stages, but it’s basically a place where you can share photos and write stuff. They want people to use it to share all sorts of moments, like adventures, creative stuff, or just snapshots of their day.

TikTok Notes – an online diary

Almost like an online diary then it seems. However, this diary is something that can of course be shared with others, so don’t go sharing all your secrets. You’ll be able to share your thoughts and photos from your life throughout the day. Is this not more like Facebook?

To check out this content, you might need to tweak your privacy settings. The company is hoping that folks in the TikTok community will jump on board with TikTok Notes to keep sharing their experiences through photos. Maybe then, TikTok can go back to videos only.

As for what the app can do, they haven’t spilled all the beans yet. They’ve only mentioned that you can sign in with your existing TikTok account. Even the app descriptions in the stores don’t give away much. Perhaps they aren’t sure themselves exactly what the app will become.

From what we can gather, TikTok Notes seems to be all about sharing lifestyle stuff, like travel tips and recipes. If you take a peek at the App Store, you’ll see screenshots showing posts in neat two-column grids on the home page. It looks like you can share multiple in one post.

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