Tag social media

Dreamina an AI video editing platform owned by CapCut

Dreamina an AI video editing platform owned by CapCut

CapCut have relaunched their platform Dreamina. Its official name is Jimeng in Chinese, and the service will allow creatives to edit videos using AI. CapCut Dreamina has officially rebranded itself as ‘Jimeng’ in Chinese. Along with the rebranding, they have…

Instagram’s secret emoji game

Instagram's secret emoji game

Getting left on read never felt so good. Now, Instagram have created a game which will help you pass the time. They’ve added a ‘keepy uppy’ game which users can play with their favourite emojis. Ok so, the instructions above…

10 easy and engaging content ideas for Instagram

10 easy and engaging content ideas for Instagram

Looking for new ideas when you feel you’ve exhausted every avenue is hard. It can feel overwhelming to find something different to what’s already been done. In the bustling world of social media, Instagram stands out as a vibrant hub…

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