Twitter (X) analytics no longer allows access to free accounts

If you’re an X (formerly Twitter) user, you might have noticed you can no longer access some of the features you once could. This has stopped many Marketing Mangers from being able to measure their work.


Since Elon Musk bought Twitter and turned it into X there have been a lot of changes. Many haven’t impressed users, with a lot of former users deciding to boycott the platform all together. Some turned to the newer option, Threads, and others have removed the written format of social media all together. Keeping platforms like Instagram and TikTok instead.

Elon Musk’s most recent change has seen the removal of analytics from free accounts. A feature that users have had access to for so long, has now been taken away, all in an aim to earn more money by driving more sign-ups. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like this is going to work, with subscription numbers not reaching their targets.

Twitter (X) analytics no longer allows access to free accounts. Screenshot of the pop-up that appears on free accounts trying to access X analytics.

In the past 18 months, the paid tier hasn’t reached where they had hoped. In fact, it’s nowhere near. The change of adding analytics to the paid subscription is one huge push into increasing their subscribers. However, it’s possible it will do more damage with users now being angered by these changes. Unfortunately, though, there is no way to access your data for free.

Another paywall, another way of pushing users away from the platform. When will it be enough? Will they ever re-introduce analytics for free? It’s unlikely. It’s damaging for Marketing Managers, though, as they rely on statistics and data to support their work. Without it, they might as well stop using X all together. Analytics help drive progress.

What are your thoughts? Are you someone who relies on your social analytics to continue growing? Or, does it not matter to you that you can’t see your numbers? It’s a shame X feel the need to gatekeep such useful tools. However, as mentioned, this is just another power play from Elon Musk. Only time will tell whether it even helps boost X. sign up for free GIF
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