Facebook will now be called Meta, but the app won’t change

Facebook held their Connect conference where it was confirmed the rumours were true. The company will be changing their name as they move more towards the metaverse. Their aim is to move into the world of virtual reality and away from what we currently know. However, the good news is, the app will remain the same.

Credit: The Recount

Introducing Meta

That’s right, the new company name will be Meta. Looks like our guesses weren’t quite right. The name matches the company’s idea to grow past social media and focus their attention elsewhere. “Today we are seen as a social media company, but in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people, and the metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started,” stated by CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The company’s stocks will change over from FB to MVRS at the beginning of December.

The CEO has also said that their mission will still continue to be the same. As the company aim to bring people together, this will remain, however now they’ll be aiming to do this in different ways. Their new logo is an infinity symbol which is really interesting. Without knowing the real meaning behind this choice, it can only be down to speculation. The infinity symbol suggests something that never ends, it carries on forever. Perhaps this was why it was chosen over everything else that it could have been.

Meta showed an animation of different software they hope to build one day. It included animated characters resembling themselves, heading to space. Imagine that, heading onto social media to chat with your friends while hanging out in space. Virtually of course, we’re unsure the real thing is that close to happening. Apparently the company have said they’re not close to releasing anything yet. It’s clearly the very beginning of the idea. Although we should start to see something within the next 5 to 10 years.

The next steps in Virtual Reality

A new headset has been announced by Meta. It will be set at $299. We’re excited to see the preparation for this, along with the final product. Along with this, Meta have also released their idea for a pair of fully AR-capable smart glasses. The project, known as Project Nazare, is set to take a few years to create. However, Zuckerberg has stated that they’re making good progress with them.

Is that where social media is heading? Will we all be using smart glasses and other AR equipment just to update our status? Or will it act as a way to hang out with our friends in a more personal way? Perhaps it will be a case of everything seeming so realistic, it’s almost like we’re with them. This could be a fantastic way of connecting with people far away, although it’s a shame to think we might end up choosing this over face to face contact. Social media has already had its fair share of backlash for taking away the personal element of spending time with people. Instead, people opt to communicate online.

We’ll be following this closely. It will be exciting to see what this means for people using PUSH. Maybe Fan Links will become virtual. It could be that your artist pages are active in VR. Wouldn’t that be a completely new experience for your fanbase? A really rewarding one we imagine. Saying that we could see some progress within 5 years is crazy to imagine. It doesn’t seem all that long since we first got access to the internet. The good thing though is Facebook will still be Facebook. There will be no confusion when it comes to the app, which we’re all relieved by.

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