Category In the loop

Industry news, launches and updates – everything to keep you in the loop.

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini is an AI tool developed by Google. The idea behind it is to increase productivity across Google services. Now, they’re working on YouTube Music extensions and some useful shortcuts. Gemini is an artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google that…

Plan your next event via WhatsApp

Plan your next event via WhatsApp

WhatsApp, the messaging platform, are working on ways to expand their current app. Currently, in the works, is a new event feature which would allow events to be planned and pinned within groups. Do your plans ever make it out…

Explaining the ins and outs of medical illustrators

Explaining the ins and outs of medical illustrators

Without medical illustrators there wouldn’t be the large quantity of textbooks, and visual information that so many students in the medical field rely on. In the intricate world where science meets art, medical illustrators play a pivotal role in translating…

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